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Dieselnoi's "Sky Piercing Knee"
Dieselnoi's "Sky Piercing Knee"

Introduction to the Techniques of Muay Khao

Muay Khao will favor an aggressive, taller fighter with good stamina and balance. Shorter Nak Muays may be at a slight disadvantage when kneeing from the clinch. A taller Muay Khao will be susceptible to a strong bottom game, losing exchanges at the lower center of gravity (dumps, sweeps, or body locks). Whatever your body type, every position in the clinch has its answers. Clinch fighters should therefore become familiar with common escapes and counter-movements, in a way that allows them to flow between forms.

Knees get knockouts. Dominance in the clinch looks good. And nothing beats a skillfull sweep. These techniques score highly, favored by audiences everywhere. But, although many fights end up in the clinch for most of each round, clinch is rarely given the same priority as striking during practice in the West. By contrast, Thai gyms include a regular clinch regiment in their routine, where you can expect to see lengthy, low-key clinch grinding sessions as well as high-intensity sparring rounds with hard falls.

When training the clinch, take proper safety precautions to minimize trauma, especially for beginners. Side swipe the knees instead of direct, sharp hits. Assist landings when possible. Indicate elbows at a quarter turn. More advanced practitioners will benefit from wearing elbow and knee pads, though the Thais will often do without.

One common exercise involves “swimming” for dominant position. In another, a fighter’s stamina is tested by feeding them a string of fresh opponents, who exit the encounter at each successful sweep (sometimes called, man-in-the-middle).

Since clinch work is essentially a type of stand-up grappling, a gym with a strong Judo or BJJ program can borrow ideas, coaches, and ways of training from those sports to improve their Muay Thai curriculum.

Notable Muay Khao champions include Dieselnoi Chor Thanasukarn, Petchboonchu FA Group, Yodwicha Por Boonsit, and Sylvie von Duuglas-Ittu.