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MTNTBK is a learner’s manual for the art and science of Muay Thai.

Pick a section. Work on it during practice.

  • You are viewing MTNTBK.01 which is very much in beta mode. Existing chapters are in progress, and have not yet been edited. Many more chapters and chapter sections are coming soon! Check out the Change Log for the latest updates.
  • I wrote MTNTBK as a series of short essays, from a learner’s perspective. These are the things I think about, visualize, and later practice.
  • Therefore, it is not meant to be read linearly. In the spirit of philosophical reflection: pick a concept or section, dwell on it, and extend it into your own practice.
  • The MTNTBK will organized in five major sections, dedicated to Knee and Clinch Techniques (Muay Khao), Kicks (Muay Tae), Punches (Muay Mat), Elbows (Muay Sok), and Advanced Skills (Muay Femur).
  • In addition to those, you will find several minor sections, on topics related to “Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting,” Training Philosophy, Equipment, Nutrition, Library, and a few others.